Make your own willow

Create a unique centrepiece or gift.

Our workshops teach you the art of willow making. Learn a skill, develop an art, have fun!

Living willow features

Combine beautiful function with decorative sculpture

Whether it’s fun filled dome, creative visual art or more practical seating and hedging, our living willow makes a stunning statement.

Ellen Spry of Our World and Willow With Ellen loves all things willow.

Her willow workshops for both adults and children are fun, creative and informative.

Ellen also loves creating living willow features for gardens and regularly takes commissions.

Contact Ellen Spry for more information.

I thoroughly enjoyed the afternoon, found it very informative and relaxing and would love to do it again. I made a beautiful willow support.

Workshop attendee

Purposeful, natural structures built with and for children, demonstrating skill and passion for outdoor adventure. Well-organised, superbly resourced, friendly and reliable, I recommend Ellen to other schools without reservation.
David Aldworth

Executive Headteacher, Jakeman Nursery School

Ellen has designed a lovely willow fedge to give shade to our South facing garden. This means our daughter can play out in Summer months and we have greenery in the garden.
Marion Webb